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Thulite helps you build scalable and maintainable websites and leverages npm to explicitly declare and isolate dependencies.

Explicit declaration and isolation

The “Dependencies” section of the Twelve-Factor App methodology emphasizes the importance of explicitly declaring and isolating dependencies in an application. This involves using a dependency declaration manifest and an isolation tool to ensure that no implicit dependencies from the system environment affect the app. This practice ensures consistency across different environments and simplifies setup for new developers. Additionally, twelve-factor apps avoid relying on the implicit existence of system tools, instead bundling necessary tools within the app itself to ensure compatibility and reliability.


For a JavaScript project following the Twelve-Factor App methodology, dependencies should be explicitly declared in a package.json file. This file acts as the dependency declaration manifest, listing all necessary packages. Isolation is achieved by using a tool like npm, which installs dependencies in a node_modules directory within the project. This ensures that the app does not rely on system-wide packages, maintaining consistency across different environments. Additionally, any required scripts or tools should be included as npm scripts to avoid system tool dependencies.


Thulite’ integrations and themes are npm packages explicitly declared in your project’s package.json and installed in the node_modules directory of your project. Thulite uses Hugo’s module configuration to mount the Thulite dependencies’ node_modules directories to one of Hugo’s corresponding component folders, making them available to Hugo for processing.


  • Centralizes all dependencies (JavaScript and other assets) in one place (package.json).
  • Common for JavaScript developers, leveraging npm’s ecosystem and tools.


  • Not following the preferred, familiar Hugo way.


To follow the Twelve-Factor App methodology with Hugo, use Hugo Modules to manage dependencies. Here’s how it works:

  1. Declare Dependencies: Use a go.mod file to specify the modules your Hugo project requires.
  2. Isolation: Use Hugo’s module system to isolate dependencies, ensuring the same versions are used in all environments.

Additionally, Hugo provides the hugo mod npm pack command, which creates a composite package.json file from package.hugo.json files found in your project and its dependencies. This helps manage JavaScript dependencies consistently.


  • Following the preferred, familiar Hugo way.


  • Using Hugo Modules requires you to have Go installed.
  • Using npm next to Hugo Modules introduces two sets of dependencies.
  • Hugo’s integrated JavaScript support is experimental.
  • Hugo’s integrated JavaScript support is limited. For example, the scripts section of a package.json is not supported.