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Email obfuscation

This guide helps you to obfuscate email addresses with a simple, effective CSS technique.


The article Email Obfuscation: What Works in 2024 by Spencer Mortensen discusses various techniques to hide email addresses from spam bots while keeping them accessible to users. It evaluates methods like plain text, HTML entities, CSS display properties, JavaScript techniques, and others, testing their effectiveness in blocking spam.

Some methods, such as CSS display: none and certain JavaScript techniques, are found to be highly effective, while others like HTML comments and symbol substitution offer little protection.


  1. Add a default (fallback) email address to config/_default/params.toml:

    # defaultEmail
    defaultEmail = ""
  2. Add the following CSS to assets/scss/common/_custom.scss:

    _custom.scss b {
    display: none;
  3. Create shortcode file layouts/shortcodes/email.html with the following content:

    {{- /* Set defaults and get args. */}}
    {{- $address := index .Params 0 | default site.Params.defaultEmail }}
    {{- /* Get parts. */}}
    {{- $addressParts := split $address "@" }}
    {{- $userName := (index $addressParts 0) }}
    {{- $rootDomain := (index $addressParts 1) }}
    {{- $rootDomainParts := split $rootDomain "." }}
    {{- $domainName := (index $rootDomainParts 0) }}
    {{- $topLevelDomain := (index $rootDomainParts 1) }}
    {{- /* Render. */}}
    <span class="email">
    {{- printf "%s@%s<b>.%s</b>.%s" $userName $domainName $domainName $topLevelDomain | safeHTML -}}

    The shortcode gets the email address you provided — using the default email address if you didn’t specify one. Next, it splits the email address in parts — userName, domainName, and topLevelDomain — and renders the HTML.


Now, you can use the shortcode in Markdown — using defaultEmail:

{{< email >}}


<span class="email">email@example<b>.example</b>.com</span>

Or, by specifying an email address:

{{< email "" >}}


<span class="email">team@example<b>.example</b>.com</span>